Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Greetings from the Johnson-Pierson Family, 2011

Greetings and Merry Christmas!
For the second year¸ we in the Johnson Pierson family will use electronic media rather than paper to send our Christmas greetings to you.  They are no less heartfelt.  May you experience this holy season with joy! 

2011 been a great year for the Johnson Pierson Family.  Though we have a difficulty believing it, Todd and I and the kids are all another year older.  We have seen a lot of changes and a lot of fun activity.  Most of all, this year has helped us remember the many reasons we have to be grateful and the many ways we are blessed!

Our year began on a sad note.  We buried my grandmother, Eunice Read Simmons, in Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Grandma was a tremendous influence in my early faith life.  She invited me to her church when I was a teenager and would faithfully pick me up and drive me there each Sunday.  It is hard to believe it has been a nearly year since her funeral, but then it is hard to believe she is gone.  I miss her.

Both Vivian and Roland and doing great.  They both have the same wonderful teachers as last year.  Both are making great progress.  Vivian was even given the Principal Pal award at her school this year.

Vivian is still collecting princesses and fairies.  She should probably go into decorating as often as she rearranges her room.  Roland is still drawn toward any toy with wheels, especially trains.  He is also enjoying a new passion:  Angry Birds.  Once their mom and dad invested in smart phones, they joined the ranks of many American children who are more tech savvy than their parents.

We enjoyed some fun travels this year.  We made what we want to be our annual trip to Navarre Beach and to The Singing.  (Read more about The Singing here and here if you haven’t heard of it.)  While we were there, we enjoyed being with family and seeing old friends.  We visited Disney World twice this year.  Yes, twice!  On one occasion, we experienced it from a tent while staying on the Disney campgrounds.  During our travels, we even meandered through some back roads and visited some small towns and attractions around the southeast.  Each one was a treasure.  They included Enterprise and Dothan, Alabama; the Cathedral Caverns in Woodville, Alabama; and after years of just driving through it, we finally spend some time in historic Rome, Georgia.

Todd has been staying busy working in many important ways.  He has been our family’s travel agent and trip planner as we have trekked around the country.  In 2012, Todd will begin an important new venture; he will lead our UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) program and has already begun planning for it.  As always, he has put herculean effort into getting our kids where they need to be and helping them to grow.

My work has changed over the 2011. As the year began, I was working with Church Development.  I had the blessing of leading programs at both North Forsyth UMC and Sacred Tapestry.  What a great experience!  I miss you guys!  In June, I was blessed to be appointed as senior pastor to Christ United Methodist Church.  My experience here has been wonderful. I couldn’t imagine a better place to be appointed or a more loving and gifted congregation to serve.  Todd, Vivian, Roland and I have received an exceptionally warm welcome.  The kids have thrived in our wonderful children’s program here.  Roland even worked up the courage to practice a little with the children’s choir.  I have preached, taught, organized and guided but, as in all the service that we offer to our God, I have received much more than I have given.

As you can see, I’m still writing.  I still send articles to the magazine that used to be Around About Cumming, but in 2012 will be My Forsyth.  I am still keeping up with my blog. My new schedule keeps me away from the kitchen more than I would like, but I am still cooking and writing fervently.  I still love putting thoughts into words, and transforming ingredients into meals.  I still love feeding others.  Even if I can’t keep up the pace I used to, I’m not quitting! 

We are a family very blessed by the graciousness of God and the love of our friends.  That we can count you among those friends is one of the greatest blessings!  Thank you for being part of our lives.  May you have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year!


The Johnson Pierson Family
Todd, Nancy, Vivian and Roland

I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people; to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.

Luke 2:10-12

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